Winner MarketValidate
Option A
76 %
Option B
24 %
Showing 50/50 responses
Public    17 Jun 2022
38 Responses to Option A
38 people chose A as their choice
1. It suggests a variety of something hence MarketValidate is very appropriate.
2. Nothing like this..................................................................
3. Neither make sense to me but the first one at least is actually words.
4. it sounds more professional. other name sounds too weird.
5. Option 2 sounds childish
6. this option is more straight forward in what the website does
9. I think option 1 sounds a lot more professional.
10. Market comparison platform. 2 posts. 0 followers. 0 following. Launching a fantastic new company of mine called ...
11. Just sounds more professional. Azzie reminds me of "ass" unfortunately
13. I prefer option 1 look authentic.
14. I think market validate is better than pickazzie
15. Option 1 makes more sense than option 2 in that its made up of words that are actually words and you can connect them to something you already know.
17. It sounds more serious.
18. It sounds more professional and descriptive.
19. the name is easily understandable and more professional
20. i like this option 1 because its my favourite market validate
23. It is easy to pronounce without getting confused.
24. With you can run polls and get instant test maket feedback to validate your decision from hundreds of respondents in minutes.
25. it sounds a lot more professional.
28. the process of determining if there's a need for your product in your target market. Validating your business idea can enable you to reasonably predict whether people will buy your product or service, and whether your business will be profitable.
29. This name sounds more professional.
30. This is more business oriented, because you are helping people bring their business or product to market, and they can tell whether their product is having the impact that they think it will.
31. It sounds more professional, option 2 sounds like a teenager made it up.
32. Option 2 sounds weird and unprofessional. Does not sound like a marketing company.
34. The other one sounds like a pizza place or Italian restaurant which makes no sense
35. Because it sounds more credible.
36. The name feels more in line with the purpose of the website.
37. Market Validate sounds professional. Pickazzie is cool for middle school not adults
39. i like this option 1 because its market validate
40. experienced to make all websites that compares ideas /logos etc by askingthe opininon
41. It is kind of classic and good
43. Some decisions are too important to be left to instincts or the opinion of those you know. The best decisions are the ones made leveraging the wisdom of the crowd. Get insights from thousands of respondents at a fraction of the time... and cost and let the market validate the best option.
44. I don't like Pickazzie at all.
45. I prefer this one because it isn't Option 2. I'm just not a fan of that name at all.
46. Let's you know and validates your information.
47. I think that this sounds more professional and also gives a better idea of what it is for.
49. Because its easier to understand, say, pronounce and remember. Sounds more business centered. Pickazzie sounds more fun, like a toy.
12 Responses to Option B
12 people chose B as their choice
7. Its look more benefits and easily use
8. i would choice option 2 because the name was much more reliable and raassuring
12. It sounds fun and unique compared to option 1.
16. The name sounds like a fun name for a website rather than a the more serious option. I always choose humor over seriousness.
22. its good when pronouncing
26. It different and catchy , its unique and i would be more inclined to find out what it is
27. i like the option 2 pickazzie it is my favourite
33. It's more unique and memorable.
38. It is a catchy name for marketing.
42. Stands out better than the first option.
48. It's look unique and catching with customers

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